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WOOCS v.1.3.2
100% Nature-friendly fashion
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INR, ₹
WOOCS v.1.3.2
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Whispers From The Homestead Breeze

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In the tranquil whispers of homestead's breeze,
Where spring's rejuvenation paints with ease,

Geometric motifs, from saneki's lore,
Weave tales of tradition, rich and pure,
While contemporary florals, in vibrant bloom,
Infuse the collection, dispelling gloom.

With each impression and petal, a story told,
Of ancient crafts and modern mold,
Harmonising past and present grace,
In garments spun from nature's embrace.

So let this ode to whispers weave,
A tapestry of dreams, to believe,
In the homestead's breeze, we find release,
In "Whispers from the homestead breeze".